Racun Dunia

by The Changcuters

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


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Song Author


Tabbed by

by zaplin_black@yahoo.com


1st → Tria - vocal
2nd → Alda - gitar 1
3rd → Alda (back vcl)
4th → Qibil - Piano
5th → Qibil - gitar 2
6th → erick - drum
7th → Dipa - bass

File Size

91 KB




Ra cu un!! Ra cu un!! Ra cu un!! Ma ti la ju da rah ku me mang kau ra cu un... am pu un..! am pu un..! am pu un..! Ta kluk su dah he bat ku Ta kluk su dah he bat ku me mang kau ra cu uun..


-----------(I might be wrong for the guitar fx i used)------------ Thx for the changcuters... Enjoy the tab,, cangcut rangers.. have fun n_n <for request tab: contact me at zaplin_black@yahoo.com zaplin.black@gmail.com zaplin_black (YM id)> or message at my profile : zaplinblack (((use GP5 ver.5.0))))